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Langford Lowfields RSPB Nottinghamshire

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Common Kestrel
Glyn Sellors
08 May 2023
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Site Details

The site is a partnership project between the RSPB and Lafarge Tarmac, restoring a sand and gravel quarry to what will hopefully be the largest reedbed in the East Midlands. Just over 50ha of the site are currently under RSPB management, with most of that being reedbed in the early stages of development, but also including species rich grassland, scrub and broadleaved woodland. Target species for the site include Bittern, Bearded Tit and Marsh Harrier, all three of which have used the site already. 28 species of butterfly and 18 species of Odonata have been recorded.

Birding Sites in the Langford Lowfields RSPB Area

Additional Site Details


The visitors car park (SK825603) is located off Cottage Lane, Collingham. Coming north on the A1133 from Newark, cross the level crossing just south of Collingham village. Immediately after this level crossing (about 30 yards), turn left onto Cottage Lane. Follow this road for a short distance until a sharp right hand bend is reached. On this bend, there is a track going straight on, with a wooden gate, green height barriers and an RSPB sign. Follow this track down until the car park is reached. Coming south on the A1133 from Collingham, turn right immediately before the level crossing onto Cottage Lane and then follow directions above. From the car park, the site entrance is about a 10-minute walk along a surfaced footpath, which forms part of the site perimeter public footpath.


The site is still a working quarry and is likely to be for some years to come. However, the northern end of the site has been opened to the public as of April 2014. There is a car park and surfaced footpath to the site entrance and within the site, two circular trails commencing from a small reception centre. There is also a public footpath that follows the entire site perimeter. Please stick to the public footpath and designated visitor trails at the northern end of the site and do not enter the working quarry area.

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